나의 묵상

Naked prayer (벌거벗은 기도)

전낙무 목사 성경공부 방 2013. 7. 20. 01:26

If you want something badly enough, pray for it naked !!!

(당신이 무엇인가를 간절히 원한다면,

모든 것을 벗어버리고 오직 그것을 위해 기도하라!!!)



In the Word of God, we occasionally read about a place of naked prayer. People who pray in this way have been stripped of their self-consciousness, their concern about the opinions of others, and their pride.  Hannah was a woman who prayed like this. When she came to the temple and poured out all her locked-up bitterness, she appeared drunk (see 1 Samuel 1:12-18). Even the priest did not recognize this kind of consuming, passionate prayer.


God is raising up some men and women who will blow the minds of the most religious people! Radical Christians-those who have nothing to lose-are coming to the forefront.


When your options run out, your faith will grow. When you are stripped down to nothing but prayer, let your request be made known to God. You may have to walk the floor and pray. You may have to confess some issues you have not wanted to confront. You may have to forgive someone who wasn't even courteous enough to ask for forgiveness. Do it anyway. Considering what God has done for you, you can't afford any barriers to prayer. Let the cool waters of His Word rinse the residue from your past. Spread before Him every issue: He can't cleanse what you will not expose. Bathe your mind in the streams of His mercy. This kind of bathing is as holy as a christening and as refreshing as a shower. It brings the renewal that can only occur in the heart of a woman who has been through enough to open her heart, to board up her past, and to stand in the rain of His grace. The only way you can dress up for God is to undress. Present yourself as a living sacrifice offered on the altar in Naked Prayer. Amen





벌거벗은 기도의 "챔피언"은 예수님이시다.

예수님의 간절한 소원은 "하나님의 뜻에 순종하여 세상을 구원하는 것"이었다.

이를 위해 벌거벗으시고, 조롱을 당하시고, 십자가에 못박히셨다.

그런데도 기도를 멈추지 않으셨다.



"아버지여 저희를 사하여 주옵소서 자기의 하는 것을 알지 못함이니이다" (눅 23:34)


"아버지여 내 영혼을 아버지 손에 부탁하나이다" (눅 23:46)
